Alyse Roe


About Me


My work is highly influenced by my daily life. It centers on my love for my family, my husband, and my animals. My art helps me express myself in a physical way when I cannot functionally put what I’m feeling into words. In many cases my art is a panacea from the hardships and painful events that I deal with on a daily basis. Over the years my work has morphed from portraits and realistic renderings, to
something much deeper. My newest work has taken on a more political aspect. I
find my works regularly focus directly or indirectly on the treatment of animals, whether that be through agrarian malpractice, medical testing, or even naturally occurring cruelty through the food chain. I’m hoping my work causes the viewer to have an emotional response, and to empathize with the subjects.




I am most connected to my work when it is involving subject matter that I’m enthralled with. One of my newest muses would be the natural splendor of Cape Cod. Granted, artists have been drawing inspiration from this glacial deposit for centuries, but I find myself now enraptured by its beauty. It is one of the last bastions of untouched lands on the New England coast, and with that comes experiences of complete tranquility. I’m always at my artistic best when I’m in a calm state of mind; going to Cape Cod is my ultimate way to achieve said state.


 I’m still in my experimental stages. Although I love to paint, I am far from calling myself just a painter. I find when I push myself, and experiment with new media, my finest works emerge. In the next few years, I’m hoping to take what I’ve learned through trial and error, and apply these techniques in a new way to make more riveting and effective works.

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